Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Unbalanced Relationships

Many people will tell you that marriage is 50-50. Both people have to carry their own weight in order for the marriage to work.
With so many of my friends getting married in the next few months, I feel it's only fair to tell you that the 50-50 theory is a bunch of poo.
When you get married, you make a promise to love and protect that other person. You're making a commitment to be in this for the long-haul, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health. That alone should tell you that marriage is definitely not 50-50 all the time. 
Sometimes you aren't going to be able to carry your own weight in your marriage. It's crazy how quickly an illness, the loss of a job, the death of a loved one or a variety of other cruddy life events can mess with that perfect 50-50 marriage. 
If you have gone into marriage thinking that things are always going to be split evenly and that you are both always going to be able to pull your own weight, you're going to fall apart pretty quickly. If you go into it willing to do whatever it takes to make things work, though, you'll quickly learn that marriage requires a lot of give and take. When one partner can't carry their own weight, the other steps in and takes on the extra work... and you do it because you've decided to love that person more than you love yourself. 
In my own marriage, the responsibilities have shifted back and forth between us quite a few times. During the first three and a half years that we were married, I was finishing up my college degree. During this time, my husband worked hard, often taking on extra hours and odd jobs to help us make ends meet so that I could finish what I had started. 
More recently, my husband had surgery and all those household responsibilities have fallen on me. I have become cook, cleaning lady and personal assistant on top of working 40 hours a week. 
In between these events, we have experience the loss of jobs, the loss of family members and a ton of other trying life events. With each unexpected turn in the road, either my husband or I have stepped up to the plate and done what we needed to keep us moving forward. It has been at those tough times that I have realized just how much I love my husband and how lucky I am to have married such an amazing man. 
During the times when it feels like you're the one carrying 90 percent of the responsibility in your marriage and it seems like your spouse is slacking off, it can be easy to fall into a pattern of irritation and resentment. You have to remember, though, that now is not forever (something my grandma and my mom often tell me when I'm getting into those crabby resentful ruts). Things will eventually change and become more balanced, and sooner or later, your spouse may be the one feeling that pressure of taking on all the responsibility. 
My point is that marriage is not always going to be perfect... It's not always going to be like the fairy tales you see on TV or in the movies. But, if you really and truly love that person and you're willing to sacrifice for your partner, things have a way of working themselves out.
Marriage is not always 50-50, but it is always making the choice to love each other unconditionally. Once you make that choice, you and your spouse can conquer anything that comes your way. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Run, Brittany, Run!

I have never been a runner. In elementary school, I was always that kid who was huffing and puffing trying to complete that evil mile run for the Presidential Fitness Test. In high school, I swore I would never run unless there was some sort of murderer chasing me and I didn't think I could take them down on my own.
This past January, I decided to change my status as a non-runner. A friend told me about the Couch to 5K (C25K) program, and I decided it was at least worth a shot. So, I downloaded the app onto my iphone and hit the treadmill.
The first day of my new life as a runner was absolute torture. I struggled to make it through running for just one minute. Every time the little voice in my phone would say, "Begin running!," I wanted to chuck my phone across the room. I ended the day with some serious doubts about whether or not I would actually be able to complete this program.
Even though I considered giving up after the first day, I decided I needed to stick with this program, and I am so glad that I did! I can now say that I have joined the running world, though I don't think I can officially call myself a runner yet. I can only run about 2 miles or so without getting winded right now, but I find that I'm able to run a little bit more each day. I'm hoping that I'll finally be able to finish the C25K program in a couple of weeks.
On July 14th, I will be running my first 5K. I'm going to run The Color Run in St. Paul with my dad and my friends Katie and Chase (Go team Running Rejects!). I'm really looking forward to crossing that finish line... I think at that point I'll finally be able to say that I am, indeed, a runner!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

With Mother's Day right around the corner, I thought it would only be appropriate for me to start my return to the blogging world with a few words about my mom.
Strong, funny, caring and loving, my mom is an amazing woman, who I am lucky to also be able to call my friend. 
My mom has helped to shape me into the woman I am today, and I am so thankful for all that she has done for me. From sacrificing so I could have a good education to driving me to various music lessons to cheering me on at every major event in my life, my mom has always been there for me. She has been one of my biggest cheerleaders, never letting me give up when things got tough and always ready with words of wisdom and encouragement.
Since I live eight hours away from my mom, I can't be with her this Mother's Day. But, I love her more than she even knows, and I hope that she has the wonderful day that she deserves.
My mom and I at my wedding in 2007
My mom and I on our family cruise in October 2011

I love you, mom! Happy Mother's Day!